Following the introduction of innovations in the procedures for sending customs data (extra-EU trade) by economic operators, the data for the fourth quarter of 2023 recorded some specific problems of correct allocation of foreign sales according to the province of origin of the goods. The adoption of specific methodological solutions has made it possible to improve the quality of territorial data with a limited impact on the values and variations already disseminated with the press release of 12 March. Updated data is available on Coeweb. Below is the updated version of the March 2024 press release to support the data analysis.
In the fourth quarter of 2023, strong economic growth in exports is estimated for the Center (+8.1%), a more limited increase for the South and Islands (+3.5%) and the North-West (+2.1% ) and a slight decline for the North-East (-0.7%).
In 2023, compared to the previous year, national exports in value are stationary and are a synthesis of very different territorial dynamics: the increase in exports is marked for the South (+16.9%) and more limited for the North. West (+2.4%), while there was a decline in the North-East (-0.8%) and the Center (-3.1%) and a clear contraction in the Islands (-19.2%) .
Overall in 2023, the most dynamic regions for exports are Campania (+29.2%), Calabria (+22.7%), Molise (+21.0%), Abruzzo (+13.6%), Piedmont (+7.3%), Basilicata (+5.4%) and Tuscany (+4.7%); those recording the largest declines were Sardinia (-24.2%), Valle d'Aosta (-21.5%), Sicily (-16.6%), Friuli-Venezia Giulia (-13.6%), Marche (-12.3%) and Lazio (-9.7%).
In 2023, the increase in exports of pharmaceutical, chemical-medicinal and botanical items from Campania and Tuscany and of vehicles from Piedmont and Campania provides a positive impulse (by 1.5 percentage points) to national sales on foreign markets; a further positive contribution of 0.9 points derives from the greater sales of machinery and equipment not classified elsewhere (nec) from Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy and Veneto. On the contrary, the contraction in sales of refined petroleum products from Sicily and Sardinia (by 0.7 percentage points) and of pharmaceutical, chemical-medicinal and botanical items from Marche and Lazio (by 0.6 percentage points) contributes to slowing down the national export.
Over the entire year, the greatest positive contributions to national exports derive from the increase in sales of the Marche towards China (+392.0%), of Campania towards Switzerland (+99.7%) and the United States (+54, 5%), from Tuscany towards the United States (+22.6%) and from Piedmont towards France (+15.2%), Germany (+9.3%) and OPEC countries (+33.8%); the largest negative ones from lower exports from Tuscany to Switzerland (-38.1%), from the Marche to Belgium (-64.0%), Germany (-39.0%) and the United States (-29.6%) , from Lombardy towards Germany (-8.4%) and from Lazio towards Belgium (-23.4%).
In 2023, the provinces that contribute most to supporting sales on foreign markets are Naples, Turin, Milan and Siena. Syracuse, Ascoli Piceno, Cagliari, Brescia and Rome contribute negatively.